Welcome to AbleSet! Getting started using the app is simple. AbleSet lives as a little icon in your menu bar. Click on it to open the main…
Compatibility What version of Live is AbleSet compatible with? AbleSet works with all editions of Live 10, 11, and 12, though some features…
AbleSet uses Ableton's locators to determine where songs start and end. The simplest form of a locator contains just the song title and is…
If you prefer controlling your setlist via MIDI instead of a phone or tablet, you can either use AbleSet's built-in MIDI mapping or AbleSet…
AbleSet hosts its own server which you can access from any other device's browser as long as it is on the same network as your computer…
AbleNet is available since AbleSet 1.6.0. It allows you to control two or more computers in a redundant playback setup. AbleNet is…
Since version 2, AbleSet supports displaying synchronized lyrics with your songs. This requires Live 11 or higher to work properly. Each…
AbleSet 2 allows you to choose between four different modes when jumping between songs and sections. You can choose your preferred jump mode…
AbleSet 2 introduces support for managing your guide tracks. There are two types of supported guide tracks: +GUIDE Tracks containing the +…
AbleSet's multi-file project feature allows you to split your Ableton Live project into one project file per song. This is especially useful…
Since version 1.9.0, you can use a MIDI track in Live 11 to define song sections. This cleans up the session since you have to use fewer…
Since version 2.7.0, AbleSet allows you to add a measure track to your timeline to define the measures in your songs: The measure track…
Since version 1.8, AbleSet has a Count-In feature which allows you to start playback of sections a few bars before the section starts. This…
AbleSet allows you to save setlists for later use. This might be useful if you often switch between a few setlists or to make a backup of…
If you're using AbleSet with a keyboard, you can use these shortcuts to control it: Global: SPACE: Play/pause LEFT: Previous Song RIGHT: Ne…
AbleSet listens to OSC commands on port 39051, so you can remote-control it from any other app that supports OSC. Here's a list of all…
Since version 2.7.0, AbleSet allows you to send timed OSC commands from a MIDI track. These commands can either be sent to AbleSet or…
AbleSet offers support for Elgato's Stream Deck using BitFocus Companion. This allows you to create a control surface that's completely…
AbleSet officially supports Oaktone's Oakboard Floor Vista, a MIDI controller with an integrated display that allows you to see and control…
If you're familiar with CSS, AbleSet 2 allows you to easily add custom styles to the web app. You can find the custom CSS file by clicking…